Monday, June 14, 2010

The beginning...

As I sit here and complete the last few items on the seemingly endless checklist for this trip, I think back at how this journey all began and how much more there is left of it to experience. Though I've been to my homeland of Viet Nam, I've never really considered it international travel - it just felt like I was returning to my birth place. So I am anxious to travel all the way to Africa - a continent abundant in mysterious wonders for me. Yet, I am ready and I have had so much support along the way...

This all started with a good friend of mine, Vivian, who introduced me to the Support for International Change program:
We've been through dance competitions, endless rehearsals, long drives; we've shared the same journeys through organic chemistry classes, MCATs, the decisions to pursue medicine; and now we embark on this adventure together. She keeps me calm and excited all at once and I know I can depend on her for anything.

On our trip we will be volunteering for:
I'm extremely excited to have the opportunity to live with a host family and have the opportunity to reach out and help small rural communities that are heavily affected by HIV/AIDS.

This trip is also made possible due to the kind people at:

Who have generously supported me in my preparations to make this trip a financially feasible part of my life.

Finally, I want to thank Jonjon, my family, ETPers, Main Stacks, and everyone else who has supported this trip. I feel prepared to embark on the experience of a lifetime and I cannot wait to come back and share it with you all. But for now, hopefully this blog can tell (and show) you part of my experience in Africa.

Also, there's been some confusion of where Tanzania actually is, so here's a map!


  1. can't wait for the updates! you guys are doing a great deed! fill me in on the details, I might be on that volunteering wagon in the near future!

  2. Have a great trip, Huan. When will you be leaving?
